Today i felt so much better and from 8-6 made up for lost time yesterday! Instead of doing grab samples which made me so sore last time! I got to lower the video camera down at about 40 sites instead! it was still a little heavy but no where near the grab so i won't be as sore this time! When we first got on the boat I realised there was no coolers this time since we weren't getting the sediment samples, so nothing to sit on! Clara and Emma had the 2 chairs and Lara and I stood holding on for dear life! The boat is so small and the waves this time were rough, we slammed down from so many and it was fun but scary at the same time! Last time it was so flat but today was very windy and cold. I was a little seasick towards lunch but once we got going again it calmed and i felt way better, thank goodness! I saw some swimming penguins again but no dolphins or whales so I was a little sad, but it was still an excellent day with clear skies and gorgeous views, I even saw the Auckland city with the Skytower from where we were! All the sites we have been taking grabs and video in are around Whaihike Island which is a stunning island! As I'm typing my blog right now, the room is spinning and I am sooo dizzy! My equilibrium is way off i think from the boat all day!
Oh i almost forgot the most exciting thing! Clara was the one watching the video on the tiny screen all day saying "Up...up..up...good...lower...lower...lower...stop!" and one time she goes it grabbed it! An octopus latched on to the camera!!!! I tried to pull it up as quick as i could but the weights on it slowed me down some and he had let go!... but his tentacles are on the video I can't wait to watch! It was so exciting cause that never happens! You hardly even see fish in the video, just sand shell and mud. It was a great day of work today and now I'm looking forward to my bus ride to Taupo in the morning!!!!
This weekend on saturday we are doing the Tongariro crossing ALL day hike! It's stunning and I can't wait to experience more of New Zealand. It's going to be such a peaceful weekend. After this trip only 3 more to plan! The time is flying by now it seems, but everything is coming together so that all the things on my list (and more) will get done before i leave!!